Initializing the SDK

Initializing the SDK

It is recommended to call init() method in Application class. Please, do not forget to define the Application class in AndroidManifest.xml file with android:name attribute under <application tag.

init() method has 4 mandatory parameters. You can initialize the SDK as shown below:


RelatedDigital.init( context = context, organizationId = "organization ID value", profileId = "profile ID value", dataSource = "data source value" )


RelatedDigital.init( context, "organization ID value", "profile ID value", "data source value" );

You can reach this information on RMC panel.

Enabling the modules that will be used

RelatedDigital SDK consists of 3 different modules:

  • Push Notification Module

  • In-App Notification Module

  • Geofencing Module

It is required to enable the modules that are going to be used as shown below:

It is recommended to enable the modules in Application class. You can find an example Application class that initializes the SDK and enables the all modules below.


<application android:name=".MainApplication"



Example Application

RelatedDigital Example Application

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