Target Performance Dashboard
Target Performance Dashboard
Web / Mobil Uygulama Analytic Metrics
You can find general analytical metrics in the time period specified in the first part of the Performance Dashboard page and according to the channel you selected (web / mobile web / mobile application).
Genel Metrikler
- Visit – The total number of visits you have specified.
- Visitor – The total number of visitors between the dates you set.
- Authenticated Visitor – The total number of visitors logged in. You can find the ratio of Authenticated Visitor by Total Visitor. (Authenticated Visitor / Visitor) X 100.
- Page View – The total number of times that website pages are displayed between the dates you specified.
- Revenue – Total sales revenue.
- Order – Total order amount.
- Item – Total number of products purchased.
- Cart Abandonment Rate – According to the number of visitors to the basket is the rate of non-purchase of the product.
Targeting Actions Performance
You can find Targeting Actions Performance in this screen.
Targeting Actions Performance
- Action Name – Name of the Targeting Action.
- Action Type – Type of the Targeting Action.
- Impression – Total impressions of Targeting Actions.
- Click – Number of total clicks.
- Conversion – Number of purchases made.
- Revenue – Total revenue from Targeting Actions.
Target Banner Performance
You can find Target Banner Performance in this screen.
Target Banner Performance
- Zone Type – Targeting Algorithm type in Zone you created.
- Impression – Total impressions banners.
- Click – Total clicks(Banner).
- Conversion – Number of purchases made.
- Revenue – Total revenue from Banners
Performance Dashboard Raporlarını Paylaşma
Performance Dashboard Reports are displayed using the Excel file and E-Mail buttons at the top right of the screen respectively; You can download and save the Excel file directly to your computer and send it to your desired address periodically or in one-time PDF and CSV formats..
Parent Topic: Target V1
, multiple selections available,
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