Veri Tabanınıza Yeni Üyeler Ekleyin
Sitenizde x sayfa gezmiş ya da y dakika geçirmiş, ancak henüz üye olmamış ziyaretçilerinize özel indirimler önererek e-bülteninize üye olmalarını sağlayın.
Expert Tips and Advices
Asking your first-time or unknown visitors for their email address upon site landing will likely be perceived as intrusive and may result in a negative user experience. A better approach would be to monitor the visitor's behaviour and request their email address once they have shown interest in your site.
How To Create This Playbook
Track and Measure Performance
Since the goal of this campaign is to register your unknown visitors for email, success is measured by the number of people who submit their email addresses. You can also get more detailed view in the performance of this pop-up by selecting "Set Tracking Parameter".
Parent Topic: Use Cases for Web