Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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1.Transferring the members logged in Push application directly to the Euromessage member panel



1.Subscribe Token  



subscibe(String token, Context context)

it sends Token to Euromessage services


2.Kullanıcı Özelleştirme ile ilgili Methodlar



setEmail(String email, Context context)

It assigns to E-mail to anonymous user

setEuroUserId(String userKey, Context context)

It assigns to ID to anonymous user

setFacebook(String facebookId, Context context)

It assigns to Facebook id to user

setTwitterId(String twitterId, Context context)

It assigns to Twitter id to user

setPhoneNumber(String msisdn, Context context)

It assigns to phone number to user

setLocation(double latitute, double longitude, Context context)

It assigns to Location to user

setAppVersion(String appVersion)

It assigns to app version to user

setUserProperty(String key, String value, Context context)

It assigns to custom parameter to user (Please contact RMC support team)

  • sync(Context context)

Match token and user


3. SDK Customization Methods



reportRead(Bundle bundle)

Informing RMC to push notification read

setChannelName(String channelName, Context context) 

Updates the channel name in the application details

setNotificationColor(String hexColor)

Set Notification Theme color (Hex Color)

setNotificationTransparentSmallIcon(int transparentSmallIcon, Context context)

Set Notification Transparent small icon (Drawable)

setPushIntent(String intentStr, Context context)

Set the activity to be opened clicking on the notification. The activity package path should set. Optional

setPushPermit(PushPermit pushPermit, Context context)

Push permissions on RMC panel are set as Active or Passive

setEmailPermit(EmailPermit emailPermit, Context context)

Push permissions on RMC panel are set as Active or Passive

setGsmPermit(GsmPermit gsmPermit, Context context)

Push permissions on RMC panel are set as Active or Passive

removePushIntent(Context context)

Removes the activity to open clicking on the notification

removeChannelName(Context context)

Removes channel name in application details

removeIntentExtra(Context context)

Removes application extras

removeNotificationColor(Context context)

Removes notification theme color

removeNotificationTransparentSmallIcon(Context context)

Removes the notification icon

removeUserProperties(Context context)

Removes extra parameters

getCarousel(Intent intent)

Gives you the target url for carousel

getNotification(Intent intent)

Gives you the target url for text and image


  1. You must enter utm parameters in the Custom Parameters field on the push screen.
    Ex: utm_medium=apppush;utm_source=related;utm_campaign=campaign_name
    P.S: Since utm_campaign should be different each time, you can use the ID of the push campaign you created as a variable. You can optionally use the <## CAMP_ID ##> variable for this.


  2. After clicking the push notification, a data will be returned to you as below.

    Sample Data:

    Code Block
    “data”: {
    “pushType” : “Text”,
    “url” : “”,
    “mediaUrl” : “”,
    “pushId” : “df73706e-1138-40f2-b687-c10c43ee8138”,
    “altUrl”: “”,
    “utm_medium”: “apppush”,
    “utm_campaign”: “campaign_name”, 
    “utm_source”: “related”, 
  3. You should handle this data just like using deeplink and send the utm parameters as event to Visilabs when the push message is clicked. You can find sample Visilabs event codes on the bottom line.


    Code Block
    HashMap<String, String> parameters= new HashMap<String, String>();
    parameters.put("utm_campaign ","campaign_name");
    parameters.put("OM.exVisitorID”, "KeyID or Mail"); //Your reference in the RMC system
    parameters.put("OM.sys.TokenID","User Token for Push Message");
    Visilabs.CallAPI().customEvent("Campaign", parameters);


Using Incoming Push Notifications

This method returns the list of push messages sent in the last 30 days.

The messages are ordered in terms of their timestamps e.g. most recent one is at index 0.

activity : Activity

callback : PushMessageInterface

Code Block
PushMessageInterface pushMessageInterface = new PushMessageInterface() {
    public void success(List<Message> pushMessages) {
        // Make your implementation by using pushMessages here:

    public void fail(String errorMessage) {
        // Something went wrong. You may consider warning the user:
EuroMobileManager.getInstance().getPushMessages(your_activity, pushMessageInterface);