Euromessage Android SDK Other Features
1.Transferring the members logged in Push application directly to the Euromessage member panel
Members can be registered by sending some special parameters to the Extra block. If the related EMAIL is not registered in the account, it will be registered to the account again according to the channel permissions sent in the extra block. If it is desired to transfer the members logged in Push application directly to the Euromessage member panel; The PUSH_SUBSCRIPTION_PERMISSION_ENABLED flag must be requested from the RMC Support team.
EuroMobileManager.getInstance().setPushPermit(PushPermit.ACTIVE, getApplicationContext());
"extra" : {"email" : "",
"keyID" : "190708",
"emailPermit" : "Y"}
2.Android Custom Parameters and Target URL
You can access the variables you defined in the RMC interface from intent.getExtra (). The parameters inside the push notification coming to the Activity, onResume () and onNewIntent ().
if (intent.getExtras() != null) {
if (EuroMobileManager.getInstance().getNotification(intent) != null) {
Log.d("Euromessage", EuroMobileManager.getInstance().getNotification(intent).getUrl());
if (EuroMobileManager.getInstance().getCarousels(intent) != null) {
Log.d("Euromessage Carousel", EuroMobileManager.getInstance().getCarousels(intent).get(FIRST_ITEM_CAROUSEL).getUrl());
Data Type | Variable | Description |
String | mediaUrl | URL for images and video |
String | altUrl | Alternate URL |
String | campaignId | Campaign ID |
String | url | Campaign URL |
String | message | Message |
String | sound | Sound file |
PushType | pushType | Push Type |
Map<String, String> | params | Custom parameters |
3. Using Android Custom Sound (Using a custom notification sound)
To add Android custom sound, the developer needs to add the relevant custom music to the raw file at the app level.
Follow ->: "res / raw / my_custom_sound.mp3"
After this step, you should add this value to the Settings / Campaign Settings / Push Applications / Your Android Application / Custom Audio File section of the RMC panel without the file extension of this music.
4. Find out which item the user clicked in Carousel Push
You should add receiver to AndroidManifest.xml file as follows.
android:exported="false" >
<action android:name="CarouselItemClickIntentFilter" />
Then you can capture the url of the item clicked inside the receiver as follows.
package com.relateddigital.euromessage;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import static;
import static;
public class CarouselItemClickReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "CarouselItemReceiver";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if(intent != null) {
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
if(bundle != null) {
CarouselItem itemClicked = (CarouselItem) bundle.getParcelable(CAROUSAL_ITEM_CLICKED_KEY);
String itemClickedUrl = bundle.getString(CAROUSEL_ITEM_CLICKED_URL);
if(itemClickedUrl != null && !itemClickedUrl.equals("")) {
try {
Intent viewIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(itemClickedUrl));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "The link is not formatted properly!");
1.Subscribe Token
Method | Explanation |
subscibe(String token, Context context) | it sends Token to Euromessage services |
2.Kullanıcı Özelleştirme ile ilgili Methodlar
Method | Explanation |
setEmail(String email, Context context) | It assigns to E-mail to anonymous user |
setEuroUserId(String userKey, Context context) | It assigns to ID to anonymous user |
setFacebook(String facebookId, Context context) | It assigns to Facebook id to user |
setTwitterId(String twitterId, Context context) | It assigns to Twitter id to user |
setPhoneNumber(String msisdn, Context context) | It assigns to phone number to user |
setLocation(double latitute, double longitude, Context context) | It assigns to Location to user |
setAppVersion(String appVersion) | It assigns to app version to user |
setUserProperty(String key, String value, Context context) | It assigns to custom parameter to user (Please contact RMC support team) |
| Match token and user |
It is mandatory to call after making any of the above definitions.
3. SDK Customization Methods
Method | Explanation |
reportRead(Bundle bundle) | Informing RMC to push notification read |
setChannelName(String channelName, Context context) | Updates the channel name in the application details |
setNotificationColor(String hexColor) | Set Notification Theme color (Hex Color) |
setNotificationTransparentSmallIcon(int transparentSmallIcon, Context context) | Set Notification Transparent small icon (Drawable) |
setNotificationTransparentSmallIconDarkMode(int transparentSmallIcon, Context context) | It is for setting small icon on notification screen when device is in dark theme. (from Drawable folder) |
useNotificationLargeIcon(boolean willBeUsed) | To decide whether to use the big icon on the notification screen.(Default True) |
setNotificationLargeIcon(int largeIcon, Context context) | It is for setting the big icon on the notification screen. (from Drawable folder) |
setNotificationLargeIconDarkMode(int largeIconDarkMode, Context context) | It is for setting big icon on notification screen when device is in dark theme. (from Drawable folder) |
setPushIntent(String intentStr, Context context) | Set the activity to be opened clicking on the notification. The activity package path should set. Optional |
setNotificationPriority(RDNotificationPriority priority, Context context) | It is for setting the priority of the notifications. For heads-up notifications, the priority must be set to HIGH. |
setPushPermit(PushPermit pushPermit, Context context) | Push permissions on RMC panel are set as Active or Passive |
setEmailPermit(EmailPermit emailPermit, Context context) | Push permissions on RMC panel are set as Active or Passive |
setGsmPermit(GsmPermit gsmPermit, Context context) | Push permissions on RMC panel are set as Active or Passive |
removePushIntent(Context context) | Removes the activity to open clicking on the notification |
removeChannelName(Context context) | Removes channel name in application details |
removeIntentExtra(Context context) | Removes application extras |
removeNotificationColor(Context context) | Removes notification theme color |
removeNotificationTransparentSmallIcon(Context context) | Removes the notification icon |
removeUserProperties(Context context) | Removes extra parameters |
getCarousel(Intent intent) | Gives you the target url for carousel |
getNotification(Intent intent) | Gives you the target url for text and image |
euroMobileManager = EuroMobileManager.init(Constants.GOOGLE_APP_ALIAS, Constants.HUAWEI_APP_ALIAS, getApplicationContext());
euroMobileManager.setNotificationTransparentSmallIcon(android.R.drawable.star_off, getApplicationContext());
euroMobileManager.setNotificationTransparentSmallIconDarkMode(R.drawable.delete_icon_dark_mode, getApplicationContext());
euroMobileManager.setNotificationLargeIcon(R.drawable.euromessage, getApplicationContext());
euroMobileManager.setNotificationLargeIconDarkMode(R.drawable.related_digital_dark_mode, getApplicationContext());
euroMobileManager.setChannelName("Demo", getApplicationContext());
euroMobileManager.setPushIntent("com.relateddigital.euromessage.MainActivity", getApplicationContext());
Reflection of Push Campaign Revenues to RMC Panel
After clicking the incoming push notification, you need to use the following method to reflect the purchase made in the Revenue field in the RMC panel.
You must enter utm parameters in the Custom Parameters field on the push screen.
Ex: utm_medium=apppush;utm_source=related;utm_campaign=campaign_name
P.S: Since utm_campaign should be different each time, you can use the ID of the push campaign you created as a variable. You can optionally use the <## CAMP_ID ##> variable for this.After clicking the push notification, a data will be returned to you as below.
Sample Data:
{ “data”: { “pushType” : “Text”, “url” : “”, “mediaUrl” : “”, “pushId” : “df73706e-1138-40f2-b687-c10c43ee8138”, “altUrl”: “”, “sound”:“”, “message”:“Message”, “title”:“Title”, “utm_medium”: “apppush”, “utm_campaign”: “campaign_name”, “utm_source”: “related”, } }
You should handle this data just like using deeplink and send the utm parameters as event to Visilabs when the push message is clicked. You can find sample Visilabs event codes on the bottom line.
HashMap<String, String> parameters= new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("utm_campaign ","campaign_name"); parameters.put("utm_source","related"); parameters.put("utm_medium","apppush"); parameters.put("OM.exVisitorID”, "KeyID or Mail"); //Your reference in the RMC system parameters.put("OM.sys.TokenID","User Token for Push Message"); parameters.put("OM.sys.AppID","AppAlias"); Visilabs.CallAPI().customEvent("Campaign", parameters);
Using Incoming Push Notifications
This method returns the list of anonymous push messages sent in the last 30 days.
The messages are ordered in terms of their timestamps e.g. most recent one is at index 0.
activity : Activity
callback : PushMessageInterface
PushMessageInterface pushMessageInterface = new PushMessageInterface() {
public void success(List<Message> pushMessages) {
// Make your implementation by using pushMessages here:
public void fail(String errorMessage) {
// Something went wrong. You may consider warning the user:
EuroMobileManager.getInstance().getPushMessages(your_activity, pushMessageInterface);
If you want to save and get the notifications based on logged-in user, you must set the userID (email, telephone no, etc.) after the user logins in your application by using the method below:
euroMobileManager.setNotificationLoginID("user_id", context);
After setting the userID like the one above, the notifications will be saved with that user ID. You can get the notifications sent to the user who is logged-in in your application by using the getPushMessagesWithID()
PushMessageInterface pushMessageInterface = new PushMessageInterface() {
public void success(List<Message> pushMessages) {
// Make your implementation by using pushMessages here:
public void fail(String errorMessage) {
// Something went wrong. You may consider warning the user:
EuroMobileManager.getInstance().getPushMessagesWithID(your_activity, pushMessageInterface);
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