Android Visilabs Target Actions

Android Visilabs Target Actions

In App Message

In-App Messages are notifications sent to your users when they are directly active in your mobile application.

Use the following method to show in-app messages and initialize the RMC:

Visilabs.CreateAPI("OrganizationID", "SiteID", "http://lgr.visilabs.net", "DataSource", "http://rt.visilabs.net" , "Android" , getApplicationContext(), "http://s.visilabs.net/json", "http://s.visilabs.net/actjson", requestTimeout);

Add the required getActivity() parameter to all customEvent() calls:

HashMap<String,String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("OM.exVisitorID", "test@visilabs.com"); parameters.put("OM.sys.AppID", "visilabs"); // Visilabs.CallAPI().customEvent("android-visilab", parameters, getActivity());

The existence of a relevant in-app message for an event controlled by after each customEvent call. You can create and customize your in-app messages on https://intelligence.relateddigital.com/#Target/TargetingAction/TAList page of RMC administration panel.

There are 9 types of in-app messages:

Pop-up - Image, Header, Text & Button


Full Screen-image

Pop-up - Image, Header, Text & Button


Full Screen-image




Full Screen-image&button

Pop-up - Image, Header, Text & Button





Pop-up - NPS with Text & Button

Native Alert & Action Sheet

NPS with Numbers




NPS & Second Popup

Video In-App




Favorite Attribute Actions

You can access favorite attributes of the Targeting Actions of type Favorite Attribute Action that you defined from the https://intelligence.relateddigital.com/#Target/TargetingAction/TAList/ section on the RMC panel via the mobile application as follows.

@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); //requestAction() or requestActionId() try { VisilabsActionRequest visilabsActionRequest = Visilabs.CallAPI().requestAction(VisilabsConstant.FavoriteAttributeAction); visilabsActionRequest.executeAsyncAction(getVisilabsCallback()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }



Story Actions

Story Looking Banner ve Story Actions

Place the following VisilabsRecyclerView the desired section of the layout for the implementation of both actions.

After defining the VisilabsRecyclerView in your class, define the StoryItemClickListener and define the orientation or action you want to do when clicking each story. Toast Message is shown here for an example.

Then call the VisilabsRecyclerView's setStoryAction method and add the storyItemClickListener object to the method.

You can also set it with Story Action Id.

It will appear in your application as long as there is an active story looking banner or story on the panel.


Adding Recommendation Widgets in Mobile Application

You can find the documents required to show personalized product recommendations in your Android mobile application in this section.

Create a VisilabsTargetRequest object and call the executeAsync method of the VisilabsTargetRequest object.

ZoneID is different for each application, so contact RMC team for support. Suggestion widgets such as "Alternative Products" require the product code to be seen as a parameter.

After the request is completed, the callback function is called depending on the success or failure of the request, so you need to code the callback functions according to your needs as shown below:


After creating the callback function as above, the request is thrown as follows:

There is also an overload buildTargetRequest method where you can pass filters and additional parameters.

In order for Recommendation clicks to be reflected on the panel, the following method should be called with the "qs" parameter of the clicked product.

Mail Subscription Form

After form is created at RMC panel, likewise in-app message, existence of mail subscription form is controlled by after each customEvent call. It is shown as follows. You need to call overload, which takes Activity in the customEvent parameter. Sample code and visual;

Spin to Win

After form is created at RMC panel, likewise in-app message, existence of spin to win is controlled by after each customEvent call. It is shown as follows. You need to call overload, which takes Activity in the customEvent parameter. Sample code and visual;

Spin to Win Full

Spin to Win Half

Spin to Win Full

Spin to Win Half


Scratch to Win

After form is created at RMC panel, likewise in-app message, existence of Scratch to Win is controlled by after each customEvent call. It is shown as follows. You need to call overload, which takes Activity in the customEvent parameter. Sample code and visual;

Product Stat Notifier

The Product Stat Notifier action that you define in the RMC Panel works in Product View, Add to Cart and Add/Remove Favorites events. When you send these events, you must make sure that the product id is sent. The customEvent method you call in these events should take the Activity overload.


After a drawer action is created at RMC panel, likewise in-app message, existence of a Drawer action is controlled after each customEvent call. You need to call the method with Activity parameter. Sample code and visual;



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