Euromessage iOS SDK Other Features
Optional Parameters
setUserProperty: User to fill demographic fields
setAppVersion: You can segment according to the version your users use.
checkConfiguration: You can check the permission status of users
setPushNotification, setEmail, setPhoneNumber: You can set the permission status of users.
Euromsg.setUserProperty(key: "Key", value: "Value")
Euromsg.setAppVersion(appVersion: "1.0.0")
let conf = Euromsg.checkConfiguration()
Euromsg.setPushNotification(permission: true)
Euromsg.setEmail(permission: true)
Euromsg.setPhoneNumber(permission: true)
Reflection of Push Campaign Revenues to RMC Panel
After clicking the incoming push notification, you need to use the following method to reflect the purchase made in the Revenue field in the RMC panel.
You must enter utm parameters in the Custom Parameters field on the push screen.
Ex: utm_medium=apppush;utm_source=related;utm_campaign=campaign_name
P.S: Since utm_campaign should be different each time, you can use the ID of the push campaign you created as a variable. You can optionally use the <## CAMP_ID ##> variable for this.After clicking the push notification, a data will be returned to you as below.
Sample Data:
"pushId": df73706e-1138-40f2-b687-c10c43ee8138, "aps": { alert = { body = Test; title = Test; }; badge = 0; "content-available" = 0; "mutable-content" = 1; sound = ""; }, "pushType": Text, "url": , "mediaUrl": , "deepLink": , "altUrl": , "utm_campaign": campaign_name, "utm_medium": apppush, "utm_source": related
You should handle this data just like using deeplink and send the utm parameters as event to Visilabs when the push message is clicked. You can find sample Visilabs event codes on the bottom line.
NSMutableDictionary *properties = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [properties setObject:@"utm_campaign" forKey:@"campaign_name"]; [properties setObject:@"utm_source" forKey:@"related"]; [properties setObject:@"utm_medium" forKey:@"apppush"]; [properties setObject:@"KeyID or Email" forKey:@"OM.exVisitorID"]; //Your reference in the RMC system [properties setObject:@"User Token for Push Message" forKey:@"OM.sys.TokenID"]; [properties setObject:@"AppAlias" forKey:@"OM.sys.AppID"]; [[Visilabs callAPI] customEvent:@"Campaign" withProperties:properties];
Swiftvar properties = [String:String]() properties["utm_campaign"] = "campaign_name" properties["utm_source"] = "related" properties["utm_medium"] = "apppush" properties["OM.exVisitorID "] = "KeyID or Email" //Your reference in the RMC system properties["OM.sys.TokenID"] = "User Token for Push Message" properties["OM.sys.AppID"] = "AppAlias" Visilabs.callAPI().customEvent("Campaign", withProperties: NSMutableDictionary(dictionary: p
Using Push Notification Messages
You can access the push notification messages sent in the last 30 days as follows.
Messages are sorted by date. The most recent message is displayed at the top of the list.
With message.encoded, you can see the payload and find out how you can access the parameter at a lower level.
For example you can use message.aps?.alert?.title for push title
Euromsg.getPushMessages(completion: { messages in
for message in messages {
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