SMS - Create

Creating an SMS Campaign

Using SMS Campaigns, you can send messages to your users' mobile phones as SMS texts. With this additional channel, you can reach more of your customers at anytime and in any location directly from their mobile phone without the need of an internet connection.

Use SMS to reach out to your audience to market your products and services. Because SMS messages are sent in real-time and are delivered instantly, you can offer impromptu deals to your customers or notify them about events, updates or new arrivals. 

You can easily create a targeted SMS campaign using the RMC platform. 

Checkout the Getting Started with RMC SMS page to view information to help you activate and setup your account.

Campaign > SMS > Create 

  • Click Campaign in the top menu bar, select SMS and click on Create,
  • Select an existing campaign from the Campaign Management Panel and click Copy to edit and create a similar campaign.

Creating the Message Content  

You must fill in the following mandatory fields:

  • Campaign Name – this will be the name of your campaign and will not be visible to your subscribers. We recommend that you use a name that uniquely identifies the campaign, and will allow you to recognise it quickly and easily. 

  • Sender Name – this is the Sender ID. This can be:
    • a name, such as your company or brand. Sender ID must be between 3 and 13 alphanumeric characters long; no special characters or spaces are allowed (since these are not supported by all operators). 
    • a valid phone number, in case you wish to receive replies. This can be up to 15 digits long.

      Sender Name is a pre-defined field. Please contact RMC Technical Support in case you need help setting up your Sender ID.

  • Add Variables – use Variables to personalise your message. See Adding Variables below.
  • SMS Message – this is the standard SMS text message content. The character count shown above the text box is an approximation, as the final depends on message variables and on special character encodings. 

GSM allows for a maximum of 155 characters. If you exceed the maximum number of characters allowed, the SMS will be sent in multiple parts and you will be charged accordingly.

Adding Variables  

The message content can also include personalisation variables based on profile attributes found in your Subscriber's Database. 

Click 'Add Variables' to select the field to personalise within the title or body of your SMS message. Select the personalisation variable and enter an alternative message content to be displayed in case the variable does not exist for a given member.

If you select the custom tag "member name" as the personalisation variable. When the notification is sent out the variable will replace the individuals name if it exists. If there is no member name, it will fall back on the "Alternative Message" content you have entered.

As we can only estimate how many characters are in a message, when using variables please make sure you allow enough characters to cater for the longest variable.

Sending Options 

  • Remove Duplicate Numbers – select this option to automatically remove duplicate number(s) from your campaign. 
  • Label as Triggered Campaign – select this option to save the campaign as an SMS Template that can be used in AutoPilot programs or to send API Triggered campaigns.

Saving your Campaign  

Once you have created your SMS campaign click Save to continue to the next steps:

  • – saves your campaign as Draft and redirects you to the "Campaign Management Panel", where you can manage your existing web push campaigns.
  • – redirects you to the "Testing" page, where you can select a test list to send your campaign prior to delivery.
  • – opens the "Define Audience" page, where you can select your target audience.

Managing your Existing SMS Campaigns  

You can view and manage your previously created SMS Campaigns. Click on the "Active" tab and select SMS to view the status of your active campaigns. You can also view the results of the campaigns you sent to a test list by clicking on the "Test" tab.Filter your campaigns by Date or Search by Name to list all of your current and past SMS campaign.

Parent Topic: SMS

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