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Recommend comes with built-in capabilities for triggered and hyper-targeted e-mail campaigns. Get started today with out of the box lifecycle campaigns and templates, and deliver personalised product and content recommendations for each customer. 


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Turn Page Views Into Revenue

GOAL: Convert subscribers' and customers' website visits that didn't result in a purchase or cart creation into a purchase.



PlaybookTarget AudienceMessage ContentGoal

Now In Stock - Notify your visitors when out of stock products they viewed but not purchased are back in stock.

Those who viewed an out of stock product.

Back in stock information for the out of stock product viewed.

To re-engage your audience and increase overall site conversion.

Last Viewed Products and Alternatives - Encourage visitors to come back to your site when they view products but do not make any purchases.

Those who view products but do not purchase.

Viewed products and alternative products viewed by visitors who viewed the product the user did.

To raise product awareness, encourage purchases and increase conversions.

Abandoned Cart - Encourage would-be customers to complete their purchase when they leave items in their shopping cart.


Those who add items to their cart but do not complete their purchase.

The items that the recipient has added to their cart with a promo code or special offer.

To recover abandoned purchases and increase overall site conversion and AOV.

Abandoned Cart with Recommendations - Encourage would-be customers to complete their purchase when they leave items in their shopping cart.

Those who add items to their cart


Insert alternative product recommendations into your cart abandonment emails, based on each recipient’s interactions with your store.


but do not complete their purchase.

The items that the recipient has added to their cart with alternative product


Those who add items to their cart and then abandon


Encourage visitors to come back to your site when they browse products and do not make any purchases by sending an email the following day or within a given timeframe.


Those who view and browse products and do not purchase


Inform site visitors about new deals (banner offers) in the categories they viewed the most during their site visit in a given timeframe.


Offers and banners based on viewed products in the given timeframe.


Those who opened your previous email(s)


Product recommendations based on viewed products by other visitors who searched the same keyword. “Searched this keyword and viewed”


Those who performed an on-site search and did not purchase


Information and image of the campaign offers (banners) which are about to expire.


Notify visitors when new campaign banners are available on your site. The new campaigns are ordered and sent based on the visitor’s favourite category.

New campaign banners in visitors favourite category.

Those who view or purchase a product within a given timeframe


Notify visitors when the products they viewed and did not purchase are on sale with an email that includes the items on sale.

Image and price drop information for the product viewed.


To recover abandoned purchases and increase overall site conversion and AOV.
Category View - Send an e-mail including best sellers based on the category the visitors viewed during their site visit.

Those who viewed a category listing page but didn’t browse through any product in that category.

Category best sellers based on viewed category.

To raise category awareness and increase overall site conversion.
Express Shipping - Notify your visitors when express shipping offer is available for the products they viewed but not purchased.

Those who viewed but not purchased a product which qualifies for express shipping.

Express shipping information for the product viewed.

To encourage purchase and increase overall site conversion.
Favorite Category New Arrivals - Inform site visitors about new product arrivals in their favorite category.

All visitors who have viewed and/or purchased a product.

New products in visitor's favorite category.

To create 1:1 engagement, raise product awareness and increase overall site conversion.

Favorite Category Top Sellers - Inform site visitors about best-selling products in their favorite category.

All visitors who have viewed and/or purchased a product.

Best-selling products in visitor's favorite category.

To create 1:1 engagement, raise product awareness and increase overall site conversion.

Favorite Product Reminder - Remind your visitors of the products they added to their favorites but did not purchase.

Those who add products to their favorites but did not purchase.

The products added to favorites along with a reminder message.

To re-engage your audience and increase overall site conversion.

Low Stock - Notify your visitors when the stock level of the products they viewed but not purchased drop below a certain threshold.

Those who viewed but not purchased an item for which the stock level has dropped.

Low stock information for the product viewed.To create a sense of urgency, encourage purchase and increase overall site conversion.

Price Drop - Notify your visitors when the products they viewed but did not purchase are on sale.

Those who viewed but did not purchase an item for which the price has dropped.



drop information for the product viewed.To inform visitors about relevant offers, encourage purchase and increase overall site conversion.

Price Drop with Recommendations - Notify your visitors when the products they viewed


but did not purchase are on sale with relevant recommendations for other products viewed by visitors who viewed the same


Image and price drop information and alternative product recommendations, “Viewed also Viewed”


Those who viewed but did not purchase an item for which the price has dropped


Automatically notify your customers when out of stock products they viewed are back in stock. The stock level used in this algorithm is determined by comparing the stock level at the time the product was viewed and the current stock level.

Image and back in stock notification for out of stock product viewed.

Those who viewed an out of stock product


Use visitor’s browsing data to send a notification email when products they viewed reach the low stock limit you set.


Viewed products and information on new stock levels.


Automatically notify your customers when their favourite out of stock products become available. The notification is based on the last added out of stock product to favourites.

Image of the favourite product with back in stock information.


Those who added a product to their favourites which went out of stock


Send email including best sellers based on the category the visitors viewed during their site visit.

Category best sellers based on viewed category.


Those who viewed a specific category but didn’t browse through any product in the given category


Notify visitors when free express shipping offer is available for the products they viewed and did not purchase.

Product viewed, free express shipping offer and alternative product recommendations.


Inform site visitors about new product arrivals in their favourite category to encourage them to visit your store.


Those who added a new item to their favourite category in a given timeframe


Segment your customers based on their demographic data and send the top purchased products by customers in the given segment.


Best selling products bought by similar customers.


Send a reminder email to your site visitors who added a product to their favourites X number of days ago and did not complete the purchase (reminder email is sent only if recipient has never purchased the product)

Image and details of the product(s) added to favourites along with a reminder message.


Those who added a product to their favourites X number of days ago and did not purchase


Inform your subscribers about your daily deals and sales across your store.  Prioritise your deals and offers based on brand, gender and style scores. (Recommended for Flash Sales sites)

Image and details about daily deals and flash sales.


Encourage visitors to come back to your site by reminding them products they viewed during their visit and informing them about special deals and discounts in the category they have shown an interest in.



Price drop information for the product viewed and alternative product recommendations.
To inform visitors about relevant offers, raise product awareness and increase overall site conversion.

Search - Inform your users about most viewed products regarding their on-site search.

Those who performed an on-site search but did not view any products

Viewed products by other visitors who searched the same keyword.To inform visitors about relevant offers, raise product awareness and increase overall site conversion.




PlaybookTarget AudienceMessage ContentGoal

Category Awareness - Send a post-purchase e-mail within a certain timeframe in order to promote different categories on your site.

Those who made a purchase.

Best-sellers of categories from which the customers didn't view or purchase a product before.

To promote different categories, encourage speedy follow-up purchase and influence customers to spend more.

Complementary Products - Use purchased item as a reference and send a post-purchase


e-mail including relevant recommendations based on products frequently bought together by other customers



Those who made a purchase.


Other items purchased by customers who bought the same product


- “Frequently Bought Together


Send a post-purchase email withşn a certain timeframe in order to promote a selected product category or subcategory on your site.


Image and details of best selling products in promoted category or subcategory.

Those who made a purchase


Automatically analyse the average time between consecutive orders made by each customer in the given product category and send an email reminding your customers that it’s time to buy again.


Inform site visitors about best selling products in their favourite category. This algorithm cross-references most viewed categories with category purchases made within a given timeframe, eliminates the categories in which purchases were made in order to determine customer’s favourite category (usually sent on a weekly basis).


All customers who made a purchase



To increase product awareness, encourage speedy follow-up purchase and influence customers to spend more.

Replenishment - Remind your customers when it's time to buy again in the given product categories based on the provided time frame.

Those who bought consumable products.
Product that you are reminding the customer to repurchase along with the top sellers in the purchased category.


To encourage repeat purchases, raise product awareness and increase customer lifetime value.


Target Audience
Message ContentGoal

Birthday Celebration - Make your customers feel special on their birthday with a thoughtful message and a special offer.

Those who are celebrating their birthday (or will celebrate in a few days).

Celebratory message along with a special offer or discount coupon.


Send a follow-up message when your customer purchases any product from your store.


To increase customer loyalty with personalized engagement.

Comment After Purchase - Send a post-purchase follow-up e-mail in order to collect feedbacks.

Those who made a purchase



Purchased item with “Make a Comment” or “Rate Your Transaction” messagesTo gain feedback on a purchase and encourage purchasers to become repeat customers.

Sign Up Anniversary Celebration - Make your customers feel special on their sign up anniversaries with a thoughtful message and a special offer.

Those who signed up a year ago (could be repeated for each year)



Send special offer celebrating the anniversary along with a thank you message.To increase customer loyalty with personalized engagement.


PlaybookTarget AudienceMessage ContentGoal

Churn - Reconnect and win back customers who


haven’t visited your web/mobile site or mobile app within a given timeframe.

 Lapsed customers.

Discount or free shipping


offers along with products from customer's last viewed category or previous


week’s best sellers.


To reactivate lapsed customers



Parent Topic: Playbooks