E-Mail Playbooks
Playbook | Target Audience | Message Content | Goal |
Now In Stock - Notify your visitors when out of stock products they viewed but not purchased are back in stock. | Those who viewed an out of stock product. | Back in stock information for the out of stock product viewed. | To re-engage your audience and increase overall site conversion. |
Last Viewed Products and Alternatives - Encourage visitors to come back to your site when they view products but do not make any purchases. | Those who view products but do not purchase. | Viewed products and alternative products viewed by visitors who viewed the product the user did. | To raise product awareness, encourage purchases and increase conversions. |
Abandoned Cart - Encourage would-be customers to complete their purchase when they leave items in their shopping cart. | Those who add items to their cart but do not complete their purchase. | The items that the recipient has added to their cart with a promo code or special offer. | To recover abandoned purchases and increase overall site conversion and AOV. |
Abandoned Cart with Recommendations - Encourage would-be customers to complete their purchase when they leave items in their shopping cart. | Those who add items to their cart but do not complete their purchase. | The items that the recipient has added to their cart with alternative product. | To recover abandoned purchases and increase overall site conversion and AOV. |
Category View - Send an e-mail including best sellers based on the category the visitors viewed during their site visit. | Those who viewed a category listing page but didn’t browse through any product in that category. | Category best sellers based on viewed category. | To raise category awareness and increase overall site conversion. |
Express Shipping - Notify your visitors when express shipping offer is available for the products they viewed but not purchased. | Those who viewed but not purchased a product which qualifies for express shipping. | Express shipping information for the product viewed. | To encourage purchase and increase overall site conversion. |
Favorite Category New Arrivals - Inform site visitors about new product arrivals in their favorite category. | All visitors who have viewed and/or purchased a product. | New products in visitor's favorite category. | To create 1:1 engagement, raise product awareness and increase overall site conversion. |
Favorite Category Top Sellers - Inform site visitors about best-selling products in their favorite category. | All visitors who have viewed and/or purchased a product. | Best-selling products in visitor's favorite category. | To create 1:1 engagement, raise product awareness and increase overall site conversion. |
Favorite Product Reminder - Remind your visitors of the products they added to their favorites but did not purchase. | Those who add products to their favorites but did not purchase. | The products added to favorites along with a reminder message. | To re-engage your audience and increase overall site conversion. |
Low Stock - Notify your visitors when the stock level of the products they viewed but not purchased drop below a certain threshold. | Those who viewed but not purchased an item for which the stock level has dropped. | Low stock information for the product viewed. | To create a sense of urgency, encourage purchase and increase overall site conversion. |
Price Drop - Notify your visitors when the products they viewed but did not purchase are on sale. | Those who viewed but did not purchase an item for which the price has dropped. | Price drop information for the product viewed. | To inform visitors about relevant offers, encourage purchase and increase overall site conversion. |
Price Drop with Recommendations - Notify your visitors when the products they viewed but did not purchase are on sale with relevant recommendations for other products viewed by visitors who viewed the same. | Those who viewed but did not purchase an item for which the price has dropped. | Price drop information for the product viewed and alternative product recommendations. | To inform visitors about relevant offers, raise product awareness and increase overall site conversion. |
Search - Inform your users about most viewed products regarding their on-site search. | Those who performed an on-site search but did not view any products | Viewed products by other visitors who searched the same keyword. | To inform visitors about relevant offers, raise product awareness and increase overall site conversion. |
Playbook | Target Audience | Message Content | Goal |
Category Awareness - Send a post-purchase e-mail within a certain timeframe in order to promote different categories on your site. | Those who made a purchase. | Best-sellers of categories from which the customers didn't view or purchase a product before. | To promote different categories, encourage speedy follow-up purchase and influence customers to spend more. |
Complementary Products - Use purchased item as a reference and send a post-purchase e-mail including relevant recommendations based on products frequently bought together by other customers. | Those who made a purchase. | Other items purchased by customers who bought the same product - “Frequently Bought Together Products”. | To increase product awareness, encourage speedy follow-up purchase and influence customers to spend more. |
Replenishment - Remind your customers when it's time to buy again in the given product categories based on the provided time frame. | Those who bought consumable products. | Product that you are reminding the customer to repurchase along with the top sellers in the purchased category. | To encourage repeat purchases, raise product awareness and increase customer lifetime value. |
Playbook | Target Audience | Message Content | Goal |
Birthday Celebration - Make your customers feel special on their birthday with a thoughtful message and a special offer. | Those who are celebrating their birthday (or will celebrate in a few days). | Celebratory message along with a special offer or discount coupon. | To increase customer loyalty with personalized engagement. |
Comment After Purchase - Send a post-purchase follow-up e-mail in order to collect feedbacks. | Those who made a purchase. | Purchased item with “Make a Comment” or “Rate Your Transaction” messages | To gain feedback on a purchase and encourage purchasers to become repeat customers. |
Sign Up Anniversary Celebration - Make your customers feel special on their sign up anniversaries with a thoughtful message and a special offer. | Those who signed up a year ago (could be repeated for each year). | Send special offer celebrating the anniversary along with a thank you message. | To increase customer loyalty with personalized engagement. |
Playbook | Target Audience | Message Content | Goal |
Churn - Reconnect and win back customers who haven’t visited your web/mobile site or mobile app within a given timeframe. | Lapsed customers. | Discount or free shipping offers along with products from customer's last viewed category or previous week’s best sellers. | To reactivate lapsed customers. |
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