React Native- Payload
React Native- Payload
When it reaches the push device, use the code below to capture the relevant payload.
If you have added listeners in the token registration process, it will be sufficient to add only the 3rd line.
addEventListener('register', async (token) => {
}, (notificationPayload) => {
console.log('notification payload', notificationPayload)
}, euroMessageApi, visilabsApi)
"collapseKey": "com.example",
"data": {
"altUrl": "",
"deepLink": "example://Home",
"extraParam": "",
"pushId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"pushType": "Image"
"from": "697196777607",
"messageId": "0:1591265560144592%f61cc5d1f61cc5d1",
"notification": {
"android": {
"clickAction": "http://example.com",
"imageUrl": "http://example.com/logo.png",
"sound": "default"
"body": "example",
"title": "example"
"sentTime": 1591265560130,
"ttl": 2419200
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