React Native - Custom Push Sound

To use special sound in pushes;


You can add a maximum of 2 audio files with .wav .mp3 .ogg extensions to the root directory of your project.

After this step, you need to write the name(s) of your audio files in the Custom Audio File 1 and Custom Audio File 2 fields from the Settings > Campaign Settings > Push Applications > YOUR_APP_NAME step.

Note: It should be written with the file extension. (customsound1.wav)



The developer needs to add the corresponding custom music to the raw file at the app level.Desteklenen uzantılar: .wav .mp3

Path to follow -> : "res/raw/flock.wav"

After this step, you need to add this value to the file name of this music without the extension in the Settings / Campaign Settings / Push Applications / Android Application / Custom Sound File section in the RMC panel.

Note: Only the name of the file should be written without the extension. (flock)


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