Campaign - New Features

Campaign - New Features

You can find updates on new features that were added in Campaign Management ( Campaign and Audience )

JUNE 2019

Adding Signature option to SMS Sendings

SMS sending screen has been improved for adding signature option to sending screens. You can define a signature in  Campaign Management>Campaign Settings>SMS Signatures.

Listing Cancelled Campaigns in Live SegmentNow, you can list cancelled campaigns clicking Audience>Live Segment>Campaigns. The cancelled campaigns has the tag [Cancelled] before the campaign title.

MAY 2019

Custom push notification sound

Mobil push has been improved to make it possible to send custom push notification sounds. Now, you can define two custom push notification sounds.

Listing Cancelled Campaigns in Live SegmentNow, you can list cancelled campaigns clicking Audience>Live Segment>Campaigns. The cancelled campaigns has the tag [Cancelled] before the campaign title.

MARCH 2019

Most Reading Members Report

As a result of the development, the "Most Read 10 Members" report was added to the Detailed Campaign Report> Details. Below this report, the e-mail address of the members who read the most e-mail campaign will be listed.


Adding Currency Information to Campaign> Profile Settings>Localization

Currency symbol change option is added under Campaign > Profile > Settings > Localization. This option made possible to display symbol of local currency in revenue reports.


Campaign>Performance Reports >Adding New Reports to Channel Screen

Added new reports in Campaign>Performance Reports>Channel Screen based on day and time. So, it made possible to be displayed based on frequency in specific date and time range.

Updating the Operating System from Detailed Campaign Report

Operating system report breakdown under the Detailed Campaign Report has been updated. (Fixed in undefined operating systems "?" and Windows 10 was added.)

Audience> Live Segment> Information> Adding a New Filter to the Reading Screen

Audience> Live Segment> Information> Added the "No reading in the last 3 years" filter to the reading screen.


Audience>Reports>Accessing Member Information from the Number of Members Analysis Screen

Audience>Reports>Number of Members Analysis ; after the criteria were given and analyzed, it was ensured that the figures that were received were clickable and who could be reached.

Audience>Reports>Accessing Unsubscribe Causes and Term Summary from Membership Deleted Members Screen

Audience>Reports>Unsubscribed Members ; Registration The number of users who are unsubscribe on the Deleted Members screen can be displayed according to their reasons and periodically and the list of users can be downloaded.

Updating Dynamic Selection for Date Format in Live Segment Demographic Screen

Audience>Live Segment>Informations>DEMOGRAPHY screen for all data in date format "today" and "x day after" options were added to the dynamic selection.

Dynamic Day Selection when Defining the Sending Mass in Live Segment

The "Last x days" and "x days ago" options for the E-mail, SMS, Push (Web + Mobile) channels have been added in the Campaigns tab in Defining Live Segment and Sending Mass.


Domain Based Performance Reports
Domain-based performance can be viewed with detailed campaign report and downloaded csv reports.
Updating Autopilot Campaign Reports

In the campaign reports of Autopilot submission, the campaign name was displayed on the basis of each transaction, by showing the name of the transaction campaign instead of the name of the campaign.

Automatic Loading of Zip Files

CK Editor has provided automatic loading of zip files containing html and images.

Displaying of Promotional Codes

Promotional codes loaded in the account can be viewed from Audience> Reports> Promotional Codes screen.

Displaying SMS opt-out users

Users who opt-out of SMS can be viewed from Audience> Reports> SMS Opt-Out screen.

Saving Member Data as Equal Masses

The member data loaded in the account was allowed to be split into equal audiences and saved as separate lists.

Notification of Users exceeding Member Limit by Mail

In case of exceeding the member limit of the account during the uploads from the Audience> Member Management> Advanced Member Upload screen, an information email is automatically sent to the installer.

Triggering Account Reset from Login Screen

For account users who forgot their password, the password reset email was automatically triggered from the login screen after the SMS code verification sent to the GSM number registered in the user's system.

Updating Campaign Submissions

When creating Live Segment and Sending Masses, it is provided to filter according to the campaign name in all campaign types.

JUNE 2018

Selecting DW Table from Interface in Test Submissions

DW tables, which are installed as test lists, can also be selected from the interface for test submissions.

Use of DW Table Variables in E-Mail A / B Test Submissions

DW table variables can also be read in A / B test submissions.

Adding Push as a Channel to Single Delivery Reports

Transactional push transmissions are also reported. Thus, for transactional pushes, it is provided to access the information of the transportation / opening figures of the shipments in the last 3 months and by the help of the push token on the basis of the push token.

Web Push Submission as a Scheduled Campaign

Campaign settings can be defined from campaign settings for web push transmissions and scheduled campaigns can be set up via these templates.

Invalid Addresses on Display when loading more than 1 Mail in a Quick Member Installation
As when entering a single address, invalid addresses can be left on the screen when more than one address is entered.
Define Campaign Confirmation and Other Settings from the Account Settings on the Campaign Submission> Sending Options Screen

"Automatically start as a result of confirmation" option from the Confirmation E-Mail settings; The default values for these options are customizable on a per-account basis, allowing the transmission speed / daily limit / hour delivery limit options to be defined as the sending profile from the Account Settings.

Use of Campaign Classification in Transaction Campaigns

For campaign campaigns, campaign classification can be made in the yap Shipment Information ında step.

Automatic Installation of Html from CK Editor

It is also possible to automatically load htmls from CK Editor..

Channel-based Regulation in Campaign Approval Certificates

It was provided that the specialization can be customized according to the sending channel..

Update in Push Campaign Reports

The application breakdown in the push campaign reports downloaded as csv has been enabled to be viewed from the detailed campaign reports from the interface.

Update in Push Campaign Reports
Targeted ın and ”Excluded“ figures, which can be displayed in the campaign control panel summary screen in push campaigns, can be displayed in the campaign reports downloaded as csv.
Updating E-Mail Campaign Reports
Based on the mobile device distribution data included in the detailed campaign report, the campaign reports that are downloaded as Csv are taken from the Mobilden Read / Mobile Reading Rate / Mobile to Single Click / Mobile Single Click Rate and the report summary section on the campaign basis. Added click figures.
Updating E-Mail Campaign Reports
E-mail campaigns, the campaign control panel, the summary screen and detailed campaign report "Clickable" figure can be viewed, csv downloaded campaign reports "Click By" information was provided to be displayed.

MAY 2018

Increasing the Mass Limit in Test Campaigns in SMS Campaigns

The test transmission limit was increased to 50 people and a warning message was sent to the test list of more than 50 people.

Bringing the Campaign Approval Page to the Same View as the Shipment Summary Page
The design on the confirmation page, which is the last step in the campaign submission, has been made to be the same as the design of the campaign confirmation e-mail (same as e-mail, push, web push and sms campaigns).
Interface Rating Screen
A mini screen consisting of 1 to 5 ratings and a text field that can be commented are added to all pages for evaluation purposes.

APRIL 2018

"Successful Cancellation" Message When Campaign Submission is Canceled

In case of cancellation of the transmission, the message ı successful abort ”has been issued.

MARCH 2018

Adding Emoji from Text Field when Create Push

Emoji has been selected from the direct text field on the push generation screen.

Content-Based İçerik Only Mobile ’Feature in Template Wizard
Desktop and / or mobile display can be defined on the ground, each content can be defined in the specific development


Listing of SMS Campaigns in Member Identity

In the Audience> Member Management> Member Details page, it is possible to list the SMS campaigns that were sent to the member in the Campaigns tab.


Shortening of Product / Banner Names in Mail Content

The name of the product / banner can be shortened by the specified number of characters.

Confirmation Screen for Sending to More Than 50 Test Lists

If more than 50 members are listed in the test list, a confirmation screen will be displayed to send the test to the first 50 members in the list when the "Send to Test List" button is pressed.

Subject Update to Campaign PDF Reports

Subject Update to Campaign PDF Reports


New Version of Web Push

It has been rendered stable in Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers, both on desktop and mobile devices.


Variable Usage for Anonymous Tokens in Push Submission with DW

It is provided to read the variables from the DW table in the push submissions made with DW and thus to extract data from this column in the table if any column for anonymous token is removed.(For example, in the case of anonymous token, if it says "our dear customer" in the name column, the name variable can be sent as "our dear customer".)


The Column in DW Table can also be selected from Variables

Hale Main data warehouse table variables ”selection was added to variables in the accounts whose MAIN table is displayed, and the columns in the MAIN table were made selectable as variable.

Multiple Selection for Campaign Type in Campaign Reports
The campaign reports screen has made multiple selections available for the campaign type.
Reporting All Campaign Types on the Member Details Screen
Details of all the campaigns transmitted to the member have been made viewable, and sms, push and web push tabs have been added.
Scheduled Push Campaigns

Push transmissions have also been set up as a scheduled campaign, and a kur new push şablon button has been added to the campaign campaign screen via the ları push campaign templates “menu.

JUNE 2017

Selecting the Counter Screen from the Editor

The data to create the counter for the Count down image can be defined as the counter template from the Countdown Timers screen added to the Settings> Campaign Management> Tools screen, and these defined counters can be added with the Ayar count down acak option from the editor.

MAY 2017

Additions to Channel Performance Reports

The sectoral singular opening rate and sectoral single clickthrough rate in the graphs on the channel performance report screen were added to the main table on the same screen. In addition, the number of campaigns across the sector was added to the total number of campaigns.

Adding the "Targeted" Selection to the Sending Mass / Live Segment Definition Screen
Exclusion of the campaign to be excluded from the selected or submission completed batch has been made optional and the ilen targeted any selection is added to the action status on the campaigns tab in the dispatch / live segment identification screen.
Filtering of Incorrect GSM Nos.
Sending is completed without sending the gsm numbers in the wrong format
Control of the Excluded Audience on GSM SMS by SMS
SMS messages were made to be excluded by looking at the gsm information, not the e-mail of the special member. In this way, even if the same GSM number was saved with more than one e-mail, it was not allowed to receive the transmission.

APRIL 2017

Panic Button

By following the Campaign Management> Account Settings> Suspend / Cancel All Campaigns, admin users have been able to cancel or suspend bulk submissions by campaign type.Campaign Management > Hesap Ayarları > Tüm Kampanyaları Askıya Al / İptal Et yolunu izleyerek, kampanya türüne göre, admin kullanıcılar tarafından, gönderimlerin toplu olarak iptal edilebilmesi ya da askıya alınabilmesi sağlandı.

Users defined as admin / account manager can use this feature.

Push and Web Push Transmission Approval Mechanism

From the Campaign Management> Campaign Settings> Confirmation E-mails menu, channel-based confirmation e-mails, including Push and Web Push submissions, can be defined. Click for more information.

Use of Variable Content in HTML

Campaign Management> Campaign Settings> Variable Context menu allows you to create a ready-made content of smaller HTML code snippets or text for use in campaign HTML. Click for more information.

Emoji Usage in E-mail Subject

Emoji can be added via interface. The Html character set has to be UTF-8 removed and the emoji has been made available with the ISO-8859-9 character set. Click for more information.

Report Additions

In campaign reports;

    • In case the subject optimization feature is open, Subject - Read - Read Rate information is displayed.
    • If at least one of the 5 classification fields in the account is defined, the selected class information is displayed during the submission.
    • In the detailed campaign reports, if the "Sender Name", "Sender Address", "Reply-to Address" used in the campaign are used, the preheader information is made viewable.

In the Member Details> Campaigns tab, the campaign's date of reading is also displayed.

MARCH 2017

Global Spamtrap Table

Member upload and delivery operations were performed against the spamtrap addresses in this table. With the Global Spamtrap table, which is automatically activated during member upload and delivery operations, it is now possible to perform submissions by comparing the Spamtrap addresses in this table.

High Security for Email and GSM Information

With this security application for your customer's contact information, you can easily prevent your non-administrator users to search for members or display email address or GSM number information on member listing pages.

This can be defined on an account-based basis, especially for non-admin users;

  • Quick members cannot search

  • The member cannot see the email address or GSM number in the listing pages.

  • Data cannot download data even if it is authorized to download.

Subject Optimization Results Updated to Work without Time Limit

Readings from alternative subjects were measured only during the optimization process. With this development, it was ensured that the number of readings and the total number of readings could be viewed separately from the interface during optimization.

New Criteria for Push Submissions

Previously, all active tokens were sent to the contact. With the new additions, it will be possible to send the last used device or all active tokens.

Validity Check in Push Certificates

7 days before the expiration of the certificate (expire) to all users of the account, if not renewed once a day for 7 days, information e-mail was sent.

Push Permit Area

Push permission has been made to be based on token, so that it can be updated via Push Subscription Web Service, so that the permission of the person updating the notification permission within the application can be fed instantaneously.

E-mail not being sent if there is a passive user in duplicate users

If there is more than one membership with different permission information for the same Key ID / Email, it is provided that no sending is made on the basis of passives in e-mail transmissions as in SMS. This option can be configured based on account.

You can contact the RMC support team to activate this option in your account.


In scheduled campaigns, one X-day, one-hour delivery option

Scheduled campaigns are provided with additional features added to the Scheduling Options, with "By Days" or "By repetition interval". Click here for detailed information.

Sending information mail for campaign installations
When the campaign is established; a previously set report recipient group can be forwarded to the notification e-mail that the campaign has been set.
Automatic passive tagging of tokens in accounts

The last 3 months on iOS and the last 6 months on Android, the user tokens that did not open the app were automatically switched to passive status.

Validation of installed iOS and Android certificates

Especially in iOS certificates, after pushing the certificate to the system, there was a problem with push transmissions. Validation was performed automatically after the installation.

Display of Anonymous and Authenticated token

The total Token figure under Audience> Reports> Mobile can be seen with "Anonymous" and "Authenticated" breakdown.

Member Based Spam Complaint Report

It displays the details of which members have marked spam as spam.


Email A / B Testing

Different versions of a campaign are transmitted to the test audiences to observe the changes of the Open - Click - Revenue metrics and to ensure that the larger version is sent to the test version. Click for more information.

SMS 155 Character Problem

With the addition of the 'Number Portability Routing Codes' introduced by the ICTA to the end of the SMS, the messages contain 5 extra characters. Because the AVEA operator also calculates these 5 characters in invoicing, the accounts are limited to a single SMS character length of 155, using Dataport and accounts running with the AVEA operator.

Push Tokens from the interface and an area where the status can be seen opened

When the member identifier is displayed in the interface, active tokens and their update times are also displayed.

Display of contact information in the Data Warehouse table marked Main

In Main Data Warehouse table, the main Data Warehouse column information is displayed and updated.Main Data Warehouse tablosunda da bulunan üyelerin künyelerinde, main Data Warehouse kolon bilgilerinin gösterilmesi ve güncellenebilmesi sağlandı.

This is a valid development for the Data Warehouse module and the main Data Warehouse table.

Parent Topic: RMC New Features

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