iOS - In App Search

Use the following method to send search data, if there is a search function available in your mobile app:

NSMutableDictionary *properties = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[properties setObject:@"Search Keyword" forKey:@"OM.OSS"];
[properties setObject:@"Number of Search Results" forKey:@"OM.OSSR"];
[properties setObject:@"memberID/userID" forKey:@"OM.exVisitorID"];
[properties setObject:@"Token ID to use for push messages" forKey:@"OM.sys.TokenID"];
[properties setObject:@"App ID to use for push messages" forKey:@"OM.sys.AppID"];
[[Visilabs callAPI] customEvent:@"In App Search" withProperties:properties];
var properties = [String:String]()
properties["OM.OSS"] = "Search Keyword"
properties["OM.OSSR"] = "Number of Search Results"
properties["OM.exVisitorID"] = "memberID/userID"
properties["OM.sys.TokenID"] = "Token ID to use for push messages"
properties["OM.sys.AppID"] = "App ID to use for push messages"
Visilabs.callAPI().customEvent("In App Search", withProperties: NSMutableDictionary(dictionary: properties))

TokenID and AppID parameters are optional. If you are using Euromessage, you should send it.

You need to replace the Search Keyword with the user’s actual Search Phrase.

Do not forget to use a universaID/customerID as the userID which you also share with other parties such as your ESP. If you are using a GSM number or an email address instead of a userID please send that info as the userID. Make sure that you share the same ID with all other parties.

Parent Topic: iOS - Mobile Tagging

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