Result Codes
00 | Success |
01 | No session. Please try re-logon. |
02 | Error While Account Activation! |
03 | An Account With This Admin Email Already Exists! |
04 | Your account is closed! Please confirm the e-mail sent to you to activate your account. |
05 | Your account is inactivated! Please wait for the administrator to approve. |
06 | Account member count limit is over quota! |
07 | Application was not found with the specified App Alias. |
08 | Total attachment size is too big! |
09 | Auth Token can not be null or empty! |
10 | Account and Campaign Gateways Does Not Match! |
11 | Campaign ID Used By Another Customer! |
12 | Campaign In Wrong State! |
13 | Campaign already started, send ForceCancelIfCampStarted flag to cancel campaign |
14 | DemograficData Name does not match with DW Table Columns! |
15 | Create Account Not Enabled! |
16 | Create PI Error. |
17 | Delivery Date Too Close For Store And Send! |
18 | Demografic Data Column Count Does Not Match With DwTable! |
19 | Dw Column Data Type Is Not Supported! |
20 | There is no row in DW Table with this Key and Value! |
21 | DW Table Key Column Name Does Not Match! |
22 | E-Invoice Free Send Not Enabled ! |
23 | Euromsg SMS Gateway Not Enabled! |
24 | Specified Template No Found! |
25 | Member already exists. No insertion will be done! |
26 | Free Send Not Enabled. Contact administrator! |
27 | Free Sms Send Not Allowed |
28 | GsmNumber, KeyID or PostType Counts Does No Match! |
29 | Email message has a high spam score. This e-mail campaign can not be created. |
30 | Invalid Admin Email! |
31 | Invalid Application Alias! Application Name must contain of alphanumeric characters. |
32 | Invalid Classification Name! Classification Name must contain of alphanumeric characters. |
33 | Invalid CustomerID! |
34 | Invalid Date Range! |
35 | Invalid DW Column Name in Demografic Data! |
36 | Invalid DW Table Key Column! |
37 | Invalid DW Table Name! |
38 | Invalid DW Table Type! |
39 | Invalid Extended Campaign Option! |
40 | Invalid GSM Number! |
41 | Invalid IP! |
42 | Invalid IP Address! |
43 | Invalid key column! |
44 | Invalid KeyID! |
45 | Invalid Offer Html Length! |
46 | Invalid Params XML! |
47 | Invalid Permission Column Value! |
48 | Invalid PostType! |
49 | Invalid Process Template! |
50 | Invalid ProcessTemplateID! |
51 | Not A Valid Promocode |
52 | Invalid Process Template Start Type! |
53 | Invalid PacketID! |
54 | Invalid Sms TransactionID! |
55 | Invalid SystemName! |
56 | Invalid Template BodyTemplate Body can not be empty. |
57 | Invalid Template Name! Template Name must be alphanumeric and maximum 50 characters. |
58 | Invalid Template Subject! Template Subject can not be empty. |
59 | Invalid WebService Username! |
60 | Invalid XML Template! Received XML cannot parsing. Please send a valid XSLT Format. |
61 | Invalid XSLT Template! Received XSLT cannot parsing. Please send a valid XML Format. |
62 | LCM Not Enabled! |
63 | Member was not found. |
64 | Member Token was not found. |
65 | More than one member returned! |
66 | Member is new. No update! |
67 | At least one SendList or DemograficFilter must be selected! |
68 | No such list! |
69 | No such member! |
70 | No Permission Changed ! |
71 | WebService Username Already Exists! |
72 | No such user/password! |
73 | No value found for the key among the demografic data! |
74 | Not a valid scheduled date! |
75 | Not a valid attachment! |
76 | Not a valid campaign id! |
77 | Not a valid campaign type! |
78 | Not a valid conversation ID! |
79 | Not a valid Date! |
80 | Not a valid demografic filter! |
81 | Not a valid expire date! |
82 | Not a valid expire date! Expire date must be a date in the future! |
83 | Invalid File! |
84 | Not a valid file type. It must be ZIP or CSV or TXT. |
85 | Not a valid filter key! |
86 | Not a valid filter operator! |
87 | Not a valid from address! |
88 | Not a valid from name! |
89 | Not A Valid Gsm Number |
90 | Not a valid html content! |
91 | Not a valid map! |
92 | Not A Valid Number Column Value! |
93 | Not A Valid OfferID! |
94 | Not a valid operator! |
95 | Not a valid permit status. |
96 | Not a valid reply address! |
97 | Not A Valid Sms Begin Time |
98 | Not A Valid Sms End Time |
99 | Unexpected Error! |
100 | Not A Valid Sms Originator! |
101 | Spam Score Analysis is not working properly. Sorry, please try later. |
102 | Not a valid status. |
103 | Not a valid subject! |
104 | Not A Valid SurveyID! |
105 | Not a valid ToEmailAddress! |
106 | Invalid CustomerID! |
107 | Invalid e-mail address! |
108 | The list or lists you provided are not valid! |
109 | Specifed MediaUrl not a valid URL! |
110 | Specifed TargetUrl not a valid URL! |
111 | Cannot Create Offer. Offer Already Exists! |
112 | Offer Not Exists! |
113 | Online Campaign does not exist! |
114 | Online Campaign is in wrong state! |
115 | Promocode and CampID cannot be empty at the same time ! |
116 | Push Message Text cannot be empty! |
117 | Row found but force update not allowed! |
118 | Service Ticket in use rigth now (only one concurrent request allowed per service) ! |
119 | Sms Alternate Message Cannot Be Customized! |
120 | Sms Alternate Message Cannot Be Empty! |
121 | Sms Alternate Message Not Enabled! |
122 | Sms Message Char Limit Exceeded! |
123 | Sms Message Length Cannot Exceed 160 Characters! |
124 | Sms Module Not Enabled! |
125 | Sms Packet Limit Exceeded |
126 | Store And Send Not Enabled! |
127 | Subject optimization params not found! Unexpected Error. |
128 | Template name already exits. Please select another one. |
129 | Too many subjects! |
130 | Html Size Exceeded! |
131 | Invalid LangID! |
132 | Not a valid file name! |
133 | Not a valid cc email address |
134 | Not a valid bcc email address |
135 | Campaign must have only one criteria |
136 | Unhandled DataWarehouse table type |
137 | Sms Channel Is Not Permitted. |
550 | EmailAddress marked spam an email from this sender! |
9997 | Please relogon! |
9998 | Unauthorized User! |
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