Data Warehouse SFTP Integration

Data Warehouse SFTP Integration

RMC Data Warehouse tool is frequently used by large enterprises and e-commerce platforms in order to send data with millions of records in a matter of minutes.

The speed of the RMC Data Warehouse is about 10 minutes for the first upload of 1 million records. For the second and following uploads, the time is about 90 seconds to upload the same amount of records.

Beside its amazing speed of uploading bulk data, another important feature is that companies can bind a campaign or campaigns with the data uploaded in a single batch. For example, a company could send a million of email addresses and launch a campaign binded to this one million of records in a single batch. When both data and campaign received in a single batch, the system will upload this million of email addresses and create and launch the campaign binded to this million of records afterwards automatically.

Integration Steps

It is possible that there can be some target columns in the data uploaded like segment, gender and these columns can help launching more than one campaign with the same uploaded data in a single batch. For instance, a company could upload data which includes EMAIL, SEGMENT columns in it and bind and launch 2 campaigns, one targeted for SEGMENT=A and the second targeted for SEGMENT=B with the same data.

Today, for every enterprise and ecommerce companies, reporting feature is indispensable. Being aware of this crucial issue, RMC  has prepared RMC Datawarehouse tool accordingly. RMC Datawarehouse tool uploads feedbacks (for every campaign) of every read, click, spam click, unsubcribe link click, hard bounce, soft bounce back to the enterprise datacenter incrementally. By help of this feature, companies could use RMC e-marketing platform as a seemless e-marketing channel, send their data and launch related campaigns almost with the speed of light and the reports related to the campaigns are automatically fed back to their datacenter in order to be processed and used in the next campaigns.

Since the basis of the integration is simply sending and receiving zip files, the integration process is easy and fast. The figure below shows the basis of the integration between RMC and your Company's Data Center.

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