E-Mail Campaign Report

E-Mail Campaign Report

Recipient Activity Reporting 

This report gives you a quick overview of the relevance of your email campaign by showing how the recipients have reacted to it.

Recipient ActivitiesDescription
Unique Opens

The total number of recipients who opened your email message. Contacts that have opened the same email campaign twice only count as one open.

Unique Open Rate

The percentage of the recipients who opened one of your email messages. Contacts that have opened the same email campaign twice only count as one open.

(Total unique opens / total sent) * 100

Total Opens

The total number of times that the email message has been opened. Regardless of how many times a contact opens the email message, every time is counted.

Total Open Rate

The percentage of the total number of times that the email message has been opened. Regardless of how many times a contact opens the email message, every time is counted.

(Total opens / total sent) * 100

BouncesThe number of recipients who did not receive the email campaign as intended because it bounced. This can be either a soft bounce or a hard bounce.
Bounce RateThe percentage of recipients who did not receive the email campaign as intended because it bounced. This can be either a soft bounce or a hard bounce.
Hard BounceThese emails could not be delivered because the email address does not exist (or has been deleted).
Soft Bounce

These emails could not be delivered because of temporary problems, such as:

    • Mailbox of the recipient is full.
    • Mistyped email addresses.
    • Recipient email server is down or offline.
UnopenedWe cannot confirm that these recipients have opened the email, for one of the following reasons:
    • They have not yet opened the message.
    • Their email client is set to disable images.
    • Their email client cannot display images.
Emails SentThis is the number of emails which were sent out from the RMC mail servers. This includes all the emails delivered as well as bounced.

The total number of email messages that were delivered successfully.

Delivery RatePercentage of the number of email messages that were delivered successfully.
Total ClicksThe number of times that a link in the email message has been clicked. Regardless of how many times a recipient clicks a link in an email message, every time is counted.
Total Click Rate

The percentage of the number of times a link in the email message has been clicked. Regardless of how many times a recipient clicks a link in an email message, every time is counted.

(Total clicks / total sent) * 100

Unique ClicksThe number of recipients who opened and clicked a link in the email campaign. Contacts that have clicked more than one link in the same email campaign only count as one click.
Unique Click Rate

The percentage of the recipients who opened and clicked a link in the email campaign. Contacts that have clicked more than one link in the same email campaign only count as one click.

(Total unique clicks / total sent) * 100


The number of recipients who have unsubscribed from the email campaign by clicking the Unsubscribe link in the email message.

Unsubscribe Rate

The percentage of recipients who have unsubscribed from the email campaign by clicking the Unsubscribe link in the email message.

(Total unsubscribed / total sent) * 100

ComplainedThe number of recipients who marked this email as spam or junk in their email client. 

Links Clicked

Click tracking allows you to see if your recipients have clicked links in your campaign.

  • People Clicked  – The number of recipients who opened and clicked a link in the email campaign.

  •  Total Clicks – The total number of unique clicks.

  • Clicks Per Person – Average of all those who clicked (Total clicks / People Clicked)

  • Didn’t click – The number of recipients who have not been tracked for one of the following reasons:
    • They have not opened the email or clicked a trackable link.
    • There are no trackable links in the content they received.
    • Their emails were bounced.

This section of the recipient activity report displays the URLs that where clicked the most and the number of total and unique clicks for each.

How can these metrics help me?

If you send multiple pieces of content in your newsletters, or include multiple links in your promotional campaigns, then understanding exactly what links users are clicking can help you make design and structure changes that positively impact your click-through rate and other key metrics.

Revenue Reporting

You'll need to enable Google Analytics link tracking in your campaign for data to appear here.

This report provides detailed information about how much web traffic and revenue your campaigns generate. Revenue in this report is the total value of revenue generated by recipients who click a link in your email campaign to visit your site and complete a purchase. 

Revenue ReportingDescription
RevenueTotal revenue your email campaign has generated.
PurchasedThe number of recipients who made a purchase attributed to this email campaign.
Total OrdersTotal number of order your email campaign has generated.
Total Item CountTotal number of items purchased.
Average Order Value

Average value of the orders placed by recipients.

Revenue / Total orders

Click To Open Rate

The relevance of the email campaign calculated by how many of the recipients who opened the email message also clicked a link.

(Total clicks / total opens) * 100

Conversion Rate

Purchases on your website driven by this email campaign, calculated by by how many of the recipients who clicked the email message also made a purchase.

(Purchased / clicked) * 100


The total number of email messages that were delivered successfully.

OpenedThe total number of recipients who opened your email message. Contacts that have opened the same email campaign twice only count as one open. (unique opens)
ClickedThe number of recipients who opened and clicked a link in the email campaign. Contacts that have clicked more than one link in the same email campaign only count as one click. (unique clicks)
PurchasedThe number of recipients who made a purchase attributed to this email campaign.
VisitsThe number of recipients that visited your website by clicking a link in the email message.

How can these metrics help me?

If, like most marketers, the main goal of your email marketing campaigns is to ultimately help drive sales & revenue for your business, then the metrics in the revenue reporting will be very useful to you as it can give you quantifiable data on your overall return on investment.

Revenue and Visits

Revenue and visits gives you an overview of the total revenue and the total number of visits that your email campaign has generated.


Revenue and Visits Description
RevenueTotal revenue your email campaign has generated.
VisitsThe number of recipients that visited your website by clicking a link in the email message.
Revenue per Visit

The average value per visit that visits from your email campaign have generated.

Visits / Revenue

Visits per Email

The average number of visits the email campaign has generated.

Visits / Total Sent

Total SentThe number of email messages that have been sent in the email campaign.
BrowsedThe number of recipients who viewed more than one page after coming to your website through a link in the email message.
PurchasedThe number of recipients who made a purchase attributed to this email campaign.

How can these metrics help me?

If your goal with email is to drive people to your website, the revenue and visits reporting provides a useful metrics for comparing how email performs against other channels, like search engines and social media, when it comes to driving visits to your site.

Technology Reporting 

This report displays data according to device, operating system, and browser.

  • The Device category displays the number of opened email campaigns and the number of clicks grouped by the type of device that the contacts have used.

  • The Operating System category displays the number of opened email campaigns and the number of clicks according to the operating system that the contacts have used.

  • The Browser category displays the number of opened email messages and the number of clicks according to the recipient's browser.

How can these metrics help me?

You can analyse users' devices, operating system, and web browsers which are frequently used by your subscribers. This helps you design your email campaign and test it in those operating systems, browsers and devices so that it is well optimised to the respective email inbox perfectly.


Mobile Reporting

Mobile reporting shows you how many recipients opened and clicked your campaign on a mobile device.

Mobile ReportingDescription
OpenedThe percentage and number of recipients who opened your email message. (unique opens)
Opened on MobileThe perentage and number of recipients who opened your email message on a mobile device.
ClickedThe percentage and number of recipients who clicked your email message. (unique clicks)
Clicked on MobileThe percentage and number of recipients who clicked your email message on a mobile device.

Distribution by Client

This section of the mobile reporting displays the mobile devices used and the number of total and unique clicks for each.

Location Reporting 

Displays where in the world your subscribers are opening your campaigns. We use geolocation tracking to collect your subscribers' location information and the name of the country subscribers are from.

 How can these metrics help me?

See where in the world your subscribers are located and track engagement by country, then adjust your content or segment accordingly.

Opens and Clicks Over Time

This report helps you identify trends in when your campaigns are being opened and engaged with. Opens and Clicks Over Time report provides opens and clicks by day and hour for this email campaign.

How can these metrics help me?

Depending on the size of your lists, you may have subscribers in all different timezones across the globe.

These people are inherently going to be reading email at different times, and it’s important to understand those times and factor them into when you send your campaigns.

With insights from this report, you can optimise the time you send your email campaigns. For instance, while there will always be a big spike when you first send your campaign, if you see that you get another spike several hours later it might be worth testing sending your next campaign at that time and measure whether it has a positive effect on your key metrics like open and click-through rates.

Parent Topic: Campaign Reports

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