Cart Page View

Cart Page View

If you offer different product variations (such as size, colour, material, etc) than your integration will slightly be different, please follow the guidelines on the Product Variant page.

There are 2 methods to send cart events to RMC:

  1. Send all cart data in one time.

  2. Only send data of last item added or removed.

We recommend you to use method 1. Because it allows you use our tool much more effective.

If you are using method 2 we don't get Cart Page view data for this method. Use this event instead: Cart Update

You must send all cart content every time you execute the cart script.

Use the following javascript codes when the Cart Page viewed:

<script type="text/javascript">
function OnVisilabsLoaded(){
	var VL = new Visilabs(); 
	VL.AddParameter("OM.pbid","Basket ID");
 	VL.AddParameter("OM.pb","Product Code1;Product Code2");
	VL.AddParameter("OM.pu" ,"Product Quantity1;Product Quantity2")
	VL.AddParameter("OM.ppr" ,"Product Price1*Product Quantity 1;Product Price2*Product Quantity2");

As demonstrated in javascript code when there are multiple products in shopping cart product codes, quantities and prices must be seperated with ";".

Important Notes

-SuggestActions() function must be called only once on every page. Otherwise recommendation won't work properly.

- You must define OnVisilabsLoaded() before calling it. You can do it by inserting the OnVisilabsLoaded() code before the RMC main script.

- OnVisilabsLoaded function must be defined only once on every page. When a page has multiple event triggers, for example:  and event can be triggered on same page; 2 functions must be defined with different names. In this case, since the OnVisilabsLoaded name defined for Product Page View, function name for Cart Update(Add to/Remove from Cart) event must be something else and this function must be called when Cart Update(Add to/Remove from Cart) event triggers.

- Example function definition and call for Cart Update(Add to/Remove from Cart) event:

definition: function rdAddtoCart() {
call: rdAddtoCart();

- Do not use thousands separator when sending numbers. Wrong: 123.456,78 Correct: 123456,78

-You must pass the total revenue value to OM.ppr parameter which is the number of items purchased multiplied by the price of a single item.

Parent Topic: Events Trigger when Page Loads

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