Encourage Customers for Their First Purchase

Encourage Customers for Their First Purchase


You can make your purchases by accessing the customers who viewed but did not purchase thanks to the automatic series.

Üyelerinize İlk Alışverişlerini Yaptırın Kurgusu

How Series Work ?

E-mail with discount promotions is sent to new member with 3 Product View in web page. The member who could not receive e-mail are removed from send list and transaction is completed. After receiving the e-mail for 3 days, the purchase control is done, pop-ups where complementary products appear are showed if they have purchased and identified as successful completion. Reminder e-mail is sent to the members who did not purchase. The members who received e-mail are identified as successful completion, who could not receive e-mail are removed from send list as identified failed completion.

Objects Used to Create Series

Objects that used while example case was created are above:

Start Points;

  Target Request; Trigger scenarios based on real time behaviors on your website

Action Points;

 Send email as an action in journeys

 Hold for a certain time frame before or after an action

  Create a segmented certain lists before or after actions

 Trigger personalized pop-ups, banners, notification boxes as an action in journeys

  Finish indicator for programs


 Confirms if the buyer made the purchase

Parent Topic: Autopilot-Use Cases

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