Sending SMS Campaigns

Sending SMS Campaigns

Send SMS campaigns to your members using the Data Warehouse tables.

This requires that an .XML file be placed in the ZIP file. The system looks for an XML file with the campaign details in the ZIP file, reads the XML file and automatically associates a campaign using the subscriber data.

You may repeat the campaign nodes in order to create multiple campaigns using uploaded data. 

Example XML File for SMS Campaigns
	<CAMPAIGN type="SMS">
		<CAMP_NAME>sms dw test</CAMP_NAME>
		<DELIVERY_DATE>2017-03-15 15:30:00</DELIVERY_DATE>
		<DELIVERY_END_DATE>2017-03-15 20:00:00</DELIVERY_END_DATE>
		<MESSAGE><![CDATA[test message for <##NAME##>]]></MESSAGE> 
		<PDF_REPORT enabled="false">
CAMP_ID32 bytes unique GUID. Must be 32 byte and must be 0-F.
CAMP_NAMECampaign Name must be no longer than 100 characters.
DELIVERY_START_DATEStarting date to send the campaign. yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.


Ending date to send the campaign. yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.
DEMOGRAFIC_FILTERUsed to target a specific group in a Data Warehouse table. Example: send the campaign to people in the Data Warehouse table in segment = A.
ORIGINATORSMS sender name. This information must be predefined on your account.
UNIQUE_SMSIf your Data Warehouse table contains a duplicate GSM number, you can send this parameter 'Y' to remove duplicates.
MESSAGESMS message content. An SMS message length is 160 characters. If you want to send messages longer than 160 characters, please contact our Technical Support team to activate the "Concat SMS" option for your account.
ALTERNATE_MESSAGEIf the SMS message content is longer than 160 characters, the alternative message content will be sent.

Parent Topic: Data Warehouse SFTP Integration

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