Sending Push Campaigns

Sending Push Campaigns

Send Push Notifications to your members using the Data Warehouse tables.

if you have an iOS or Android mobile application, you can send push notifications to your members using the Data Warehouse module.

To send push notification campaigns, you need to prepare an .XML file and a .ZIP file. The system looks for an .XML file for Push Notification campaign definition inside the .ZIP file. Once the file is found, system reads the .XML file and binds the member data to send the campaign.

You may repeat the campaign nodes in order to create multiple campaigns using uploaded data. 

Example XML File for PUSH Campaigns
<TEXT_MESSAGE><![CDATA[push notification text]]></TEXT_MESSAGE>
<ALTERNATE_TEXT_MESSAGE><![CDATA[push notification alternative text]]></ALTERNATE_TEXT_MESSAGE>
<!--<INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS_TOKENS>Y</INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS_TOKENS>--> <!-- all tokens in account (registered+anonymous) -->
<!-- Campaign Classification -->
<CLSF_1 label="etiket">değer</CLSF_1>
<CLSF_2 label="etiket">değer</CLSF_2>
<CLSF_3 label="etiket">değer</CLSF_3>
<CLSF_4 label="etiket">değer</CLSF_4>
<CLSF_5 label="etiket">değer</CLSF_5>
<!-- Campaign Approval -->
<APPROVAL enabled="true">
<MIN_APPROVAL_COUNT>5</MIN_APPROVAL_COUNT> <!-- Minimum approval count, between 1-10. -->
<EMAIL lang='TR'>a</EMAIL> <!-- campaign approval email language, only can get TR or EN values -->
<EMAIL lang='TR>b</EMAIL>
<EMAIL lang='TR>c</EMAIL>
<EMAIL lang='TR>d</EMAIL>
<EMAIL lang='TR>e</EMAIL>
<!-- Content Type -->
<PUSH_TYPE>T</PUSH_TYPE> <!-- Push notification type; T (Text), I (Image), V (Video), default value is T (Text). -->
<MEDIA_URL></MEDIA_URL> <!-- When PUSH_TYPE node get I or V, video or image link should insert this node . -->
<!-- <SEND_LAST_USED_TOKEN>Y</SEND_LAST_USED_TOKEN> --> <!-- Use this node with Y value when you want send your campaign to last used tokens only -->
<!-- <BADGE_FLAG>Y</BADGE_FLAG> --> <!-- Use this node with Y value to indicate the number of notifications to the user on the application icon -->
<!-- Application -->
<DELIVERY_DATE>2017-03-15 10:00:00</DELIVERY_DATE>
<EXPIRE_DATE>2017-03-15 20:00:00</EXPIRE_DATE>
<SPEED_LIMITATION>60000</SPEED_LIMITATION> <!--hourly limit-->
<DAILY_LIMIT>2</DAILY_LIMIT>  <!-- if you want to use daily limit for a member in this mail, you can use this node-->
<PDF_REPORT enabled="false">
<FIRST_REPORT enabled="false">
<SECOND_REPORT enabled="false">

CAMP_IDCampaign ID must be 32 characters long.
CAMP_NAMECampaign Name must be 32 characters long.
TEXT_MESSAGEPush message content. Message content can not be longer than 300 characters.
TARGET_URLThe link to which the notification will redirect. Target URL can be a "Deeplink" or an "external URL".
MEDIA_URLThe image or video URL in the push notification.
CUSTOM_PARAMSCustom parameters are not shown to end users.
ALTERNATE_TEXT_MESSAGEIf you use a variable parameter in the TEXT_MESSAGE, the message is only sent to known active tokens. If you want to send a push campaign to ALL (Known and Anonymous) active tokens, you can use the ALTERNATE_TEXT_MESSAGE parameter. This parameter can not include a variable parameter.
ALTERNATE_TARGET_URLTarget url of alternate push message.
ALTERNATE_MEDIA_URLImage or video url of alternate push message.
INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS_TOKENSIf you use this parameter as 'Y', the campaign sends all active tokens about selected criteria. If you use this parameter as 'N', the campaign sends only registered active tokens.
APP_ALIASThe application name to send the campaign. This node retry in XML more than 1 for different applications.
DELIVERY_DATEDate to start sending the push campaign.
EXPIRE_DATEDate to end sending the push campaign.

Member data should be placed inside the .ZIP file like the .XML file.


Parent Topic: Data Warehouse SFTP Integration

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