Sending Web Push Campaigns

Sending Web Push Campaigns

Send Web Push campaigns to your members using the Data Warehouse tables.

This requires that an .XML file be placed in the ZIP file. The system looks for an XML file with the campaign details in the ZIP file, reads the XML file and automatically associates a campaign using the subscriber data.

You may repeat the campaign nodes in order to create multiple campaigns using uploaded data. 

Example XML File for WEB PUSH Campaigns
		<CAMP_NAME>Test Web Push Campaign</CAMP_NAME>
		<!--<INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS_TOKENS>Y</INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS_TOKENS>--> <!-- all tokens in account (registered+anonymous) -->
		<!-- The app name for sharing this campaign <APP_ALIAS></APP_ALIAS> -->
		<DELIVERY_DATE>2017-02-21 11:30:49</DELIVERY_DATE>
		<EXPIRE_DATE>2017-02-21 22:50:49</EXPIRE_DATE>
		<TITLE>hello world!</TITLE>
		<TEXT_MESSAGE>test web push</TEXT_MESSAGE>

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