Sending Email Campaigns

Sending Email Campaigns

Send Email campaigns to your members using the Data Warehouse tables.

This requires that an .XML file be placed in the ZIP file. The system looks for an XML file with the campaign details in the ZIP file, reads the XML file and automatically associates a campaign using the subscriber data.

You may repeat the campaign nodes in order to create multiple campaigns using uploaded data. 

Example XML File for EMAIL Campaigns
<CAMP_NAME>your campaign name</CAMP_NAME>
<FROM_NAME>your from name</FROM_NAME>
<SUBJECT>This is a test e-mail!</SUBJECT>
   =======S U B J E C T   O P T I M I Z A T I O N   N O D E S=======================
  <!-- If you want to use "subject optimization (subject A/B testing)" in this campaign, you can use subjects more than one and these nodes
 <SUBJECT>subject 1</SUBJECT>
		<SUBJECT>subject 2</SUBJECT>
		<SUBJECT>subject 3</SUBJECT>
		<SUBJECT_OPT enabled="true">
 </SUBJECT_OPT>  -->
<DELIVERY_DATE>2017-03-15 10:00:00</DELIVERY_DATE>
<DEMOGRAFIC_FILTER>SEGMENT='GOLD'</DEMOGRAFIC_FILTER>  <!-- if you want to use a demografic filter in this mail, you can use this node-->
<DAILY_LIMIT>2</DAILY_LIMIT>  <!-- if you want to use dailt limit for a member in this mail, you can use this node-->
	============C A M P A I G N   A P P R O V A L   N O D E S========================
 <!-- If you want to use "campaign appproval module" in this campaign, you can use these nodes in xml 
<APPROVAL enabled="true">
                    <EMAIL lang="TR">omer.yilmaz@euromsg.com</EMAIL>
                    <EMAIL lang="TR">oguz.olgun@euromsg.com</EMAIL>

<EXPIRE_DATE>2017-03-16 10:00:00</EXPIRE_DATE>

	  =============G O O G L E   A N A L Y T I C S   N O D E S=======================
 <!-- If you want to use "Google Analytics utm parameters" in this campaign, you can use these nodes
<GOOGLE_ANALYTICS enabled="true">
<MESSAGE><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
Hello <##FIRSTNAME##>, This is a test e-mail.
	  =============C R A W L E R   F O R   E M A I L   C O N T E N T===================
<!--If you want to use crawler for email content, you can use these nodes instead of HTML Body
		</MESSAGE> -->
	<PDF_REPORT enabled="true">
	<FIRST_REPORT enabled="true">
	<DAY_AFTER>1</DAY_AFTER> <!-- in hour type -->
	<SECOND_REPORT enabled="true">
	<DAY_AFTER>6</DAY_AFTER><!-- in hour type  -->

	  =============O F F E R   I D S   N O D E S===================
  <!--If you want to use OFFER structure in this email, you can use these nodes;
		<OFFER_HTML><![CDATA[<tr><td><a href="http://euromsg.com/<##KEY_ID##>">offer 1<##FIRSTNAME##></a></td></tr>]]></OFFER_HTML>
		<OFFER_HTML><![CDATA[<tr><td><a href="http://euromsg.com/<##KEY_ID##>">offer 2<##FIRSTNAME##><</a></td></tr>]]></OFFER_HTML>
		<OFFER_HTML><![CDATA[<tr><td><a href="http://euromsg.com/<##KEY_ID##>">offer 3<##FIRSTNAME##><</a></td></tr>]]></OFFER_HTML>

NOTIFICATION_EMAILNotification Email Address.
CAMP_ID32 bytes unique GUID. Must be 32 bytes and must be 0-F.
CAMP_NAMECampaign Name must be no longer than 100 characters.
FROM_NAMEFrom Name must be defined in your account by the RMC Technical Support Team.
FROM_ADDRESSFrom Address must be defined in your account by the RMC Technical Support Team.
REPLY_ADDRESSReply-to Address.

Email Subject Line must be no longer than 300 characters. If you plan to use Subject Optimisation, then SUBJECT node should be repeated.


if you want use "Subject Optimisation”, ENABLED="TRUE" should be added to SUBJECT_OPT.

TARGET_PERCENTAGETarget Percentage means the percentage of the targeted members used for optimisation.
WAIT_HOURWaiting time for optimisation.
DELIVERY_DATECampaign delivery date. 2011-01-03 12:56:08
DEMOGRAFIC_FILTERTo target a specific group in a data file. Example: send the campaign to people in data file in segment = A

Click through flag for analysing number of clicks. Should be Y.


Read (Open) flag to get the number of opens. Should be Y.

EXPIRE_DATECampaign expiration date. Sending will stop after expiration date. 2011-01-03 12:56:08

HTML message in CDATA tag.

REPORT_ADMINSWhen campaign starts and finishes, all of the related reports are sent to this email address.
PDF_REPORTAutomatic Campaign Report PDF's for executives. Max 2 reports can be defined.

Set Y if you would like to send your campaigns to active members only

If Active Email Readers ACTIVE_EMAIL_READERS segment is not defined by the RMC support team, the campaign data will be sent to all subscribers in the Data Warehouse table.

Campaign Reports 

RMC Data Warehouse module sends the campaign reports to SFTP every night. This report includes the following data:

Report TypeDescription
Delivery ReportOpen, Hard Bounce, Soft Bonuce and Spam complaint report
Unsubscribe ReportList of members who have unsubscribed
Campaign Links ReportSent only once per each campaign. Reports the links used in the campaign.
Member Link ReportMembers who clicked on links.

In these files, data are in .CSV files separated by a semicolon (;) and provided as ZIP. The details and the columns of this file are listed below. These files are sent to your SFTP address.

SFTP credentials should be shared with the RMC Technical Support Team.

Delivery Report 



CAMP_IDCampaign ID in the XML File.
EMAIL_ADDRESSRecipient's email address.
MARKED_SPAMY/N: If campaign is marked as Spam, Spam = Y.
DELIVERY_STATUSRD (Read/Opened) / HU (Hard Bounced) / SU (Soft Bounced) (can be left empty if Spam = Y).
LAST_CHANGE_TIMELast changed time of the delivery status.
CLICK_STATUSY/N (If click to link in Campaign = Y).
ACCOUNT_KEY_IDIf KEY_ID is used as unique column, then the KEY_ID column is returned back.
ACTIVITY_IDIf ACTIVITY_ID is not used, then this column does not appear .

Unsubscribe Report 



CAMP_IDCampaign ID in the XML File.
EMAIL_ADDRESSRecipient's email address.
UNSUBCRIBE_TIMETime the user has unsubscribed.
ACCOUNT_KEY_IDIf KEY_ID is used as the unique column, then the KEY_ID column is returned back.
ACTIVITY_IDIf ACTIVITY_ID is not used, then this column does not appear .
UNSUBCRIBE_TYPEE, S, M for unsubscribe from links; empty for unsubscribes from user form.



CAMP_IDCampaign ID in the XML File.
LINK_ID32 bytes GUID Link ID of Link in Campaign.
LINK_NAMEName of the Link provided in the Campaign.
LINK_TYPET: Text, I: Image, M: Map.

Member Click Report 



CAMP_IDCampaign ID in the XML File.
LINK_ID32 byteS GUID Link ID of Link in Campaign.
CLICK_COUNTTotal number of Clicks for the Link.
FIRST_CLICK_TIMEFirst Click Time on the Campaign Link.
LAST_CLICK_TIMELast Click Time on the Campaign Link.
ACCOUNT_KEY_IDIf KEY_ID is used as unique column, then the KEY_ID column is returned back.
ACTIVITY_IDIf ACTIVITY_ID is not used, then this column does not appear.

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