Encourage Your Visitor for Their First Purchase

Encourage Your Visitor for Their First Purchase


Encourage your non-purchase customers to purchase by offering specific promotions.


Encourage the customers who are already member of web site but did not purchase any product by offering specific promotions.

How To Create This Playbook

1. Create a Targeting Rule

  1. Target > Targeting Rules > New Targeting Rule 

  2. In the Title box enter a Name for your targeting action.

  3. Implement those rules above from Rule Types list.

    1. Visitor - define authorized members, Is Member - Yes

    2. Visitor- define non-purchase members, Purchase Count- Equals 0

    3. Save your rule by clicking Save button.

2. Creating a Targeting Action 

  1. Target > Targeting Actions > New Targeting Action 

  2. In the Title box enter a Name for your targeting action

  3. Type '*' in the "Pages to be Applied" field to enable this pop-up on all pages across your entire site.

  4. Select "Show Lightbox" for the Type.

  5. You have different options to add Content to your Lightbox:

    • Simply Copy and Paste your own Lightbox HTML to the Content area. 


    • Select from the built-in Templates and update content with the DesignHTML option

  6. Select validity date from Valid From and Valid Through

  7. Find and select the Targeting Rule you have created above from the Target Rules list.  

  8. Save your rule by clicking Save button.

Main Page: Target-Use Cases

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