Increase Sales by Displaying High Performance Banners

Increase Sales by Displaying High Performance Banners


Increase your sales by displaying high performance banners in your website


The most clicked or more purchased banners are placed on your site, making it easier for the potential audience to make purchases.

How to create this playbok

 Zone Oluşturma

Bannerlarınızın yer alacağı alanı oluşturabilmek için :

  1. Target > ZonesNew Zone

  2. In the Title box enter a Name for your zone.

  3. Determine how many banners will return as a response from Number of Banners.

  4. Select Top Performing Banner from Targeting Algorithm

  5. Decide on which parameter the Top Performing Banner will work from the Order By field.

  6. From Default Banner; If no banners are defined in the zone, or if banners do not follow the rules, you can define a banner in this field so that no banners are displayed.

  7. If you click on the Do not display any banners if none of the targeting rules are matched - box , only the banners that match the rule are returned. If no banner is retained, the default banner will be returned.

  8. Save your zone by clicking Savebutton

2. Creating a Banner 

  1. Target > Banners > New Banner 

  2. In the Title box enter a Name for your banner

  3. Add the product or promotional code you want to add to your banner campaign in the Banner Code field.

  4. Select Write an external file URL field and : 

    1. External Banner URL- göstereceğiniz banner'ın URL'ini giriniz.

    2. External Thumbnail URL-Enter the Thumbnail URL of the banner to display.

    3. Target URL- banner When you click on the link to enter the link to the page.

  5. Select validity date of banner from Valid From and Valid Through

  6. Fill the fields of Banner Text 

  7. From the Capping Type field you can make your visit-visit or visitor-visitor based banner display.

  8. Zone in the Target> Banner> Detail in which zone / banner will appear
    Select from.

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